Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Sturgis looking fine,.....

The Sturgis looking good, first winter wash, and new sissy bar and front mudguard,....... getting better as the months pass,.....!!!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Again Long Time no post,....

Well, things are coming along, took a run up to Rebellion, Lurgan the weekend finally got a new more up to date front mudguard, for the Sturgis, and a new used higher sissy bar,.... "GETTING THERE"

Monday, August 5, 2013

Been forgetting to post here, TOO busy on the road,......

Took the Sturgis to the HA 81 Custom Bike Show, Belfast 230 mile round trip longest one day trip I have done on her since owning, plus it was her two year anniversary,....... and the Roaring Meg Custom Show Derry the following weekend,......

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sturgis back, BUT....

Finally got the Sturgis back, great job, it is brilliant with the new alternator, light and no plugging in to charge every night, BUT, now the rear rocker cover that was leaking a wee bit got a lot worse so, another job to be done, they joys of a project bike,.......!!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sturgis, for some repairs,......

So, today a wee 85 mile run to deliver The Sturgis for some repairs, I dont have the tools or facilities to do, and rode through, Misty Hill fog, drizzle, rain, wind, sun, blue skies, and psycho cagers, (will you ever learn "look indicate brake turn" not fucking brake at turning, then indicate, anyway, felt like I was riding in late September not fucking May,...... Ah but good run was had :-)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sick Solenoid

Took a ride out the other day and poor auld girl wouldn't start, took solenoid apart and cleaned, needs a repair kit, but should be ok for a while,......

Saturday, April 20, 2013

STRANGE BUT TRUE,.......???????

STRANGE BUT TRUE,.......???????
Finally got out this week on "The Sturg", but a strange day it was ...., just after this photo was taken the camera wouldn't work, press on button Nuffin, so got on bike to go and wouldn't start just click, managed to get a push start, fine made it home, now the bike starts fine, and the camera is working fine took loads more pics, then I noticed an old LCD watch I have on the bars, "blank", was I in a UFO zone or what, just checked the watch again, and yes its working again,...... FREAKY DAY

Wednesday, January 23, 2013