Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Stagnant Build

Not much happening, still waiting for the axle back, had a scare last night tried to start and just clunk, thought the worse case scenario starter motor, but no panic just a loose earth cable...... whew..

Saturday, July 7, 2012

New timer cover

Got a new timing cover for the Sportster so the old one fits fine on the Strugis, looks good.....

Oil leak what Oil leak

Found out my oil leak wasn't a oil leak, it was back pressure from the crankcase breather which wasn't connected to the air filter and shoved down between the primary and gear box, so got a wee breather filter off Ebay, just need to figure were to route it now. this looks the best bet (top left)

Tank nearly finished

Nearly finished the Tank, but will have to stay matt black, no cash to get painted for now,..